Installation Guide
App Installation
Go to App Source
Note: The account being used must have a Power BI Pro license assigned before signing in.
Click get It now
Once the app has completed installing click the BI for SCCM app to open the app.
Start by exploring some sample data by clicking on Explore App under “Explore with sample data”.
Navigate through the various in-box dashboards using the tabs at the bottom of the page.
Note: Editor view is not available in the App. To edit or create dashboards you need to access the workspace. How to do so is covered later in this documentation.
Once you’ve become familiar with the sample data connect to your own System Center Configuration Manager database to view your data in the dashboards.
Note: You must request an ApiKey by emailing or by filling this form.
Once you have your ApiKey click on the Pencil icon on the top right corner of the page to edit the app.
You should now be in the workspace. Notice the header, “You're viewing this app with sample data. Connect your data”
Click Connect your data.
You will need to provide the info
● ApiKey: Please request a key at or by filling this form.
● ServerName: FQDN of your server hosting your SCCM database.
● DatabaseName: SCCM database name. Hint: this will be CM_xxx here xxx equals the site code of the primary site or CAS.
Click Next.
You will get a message that the Data source is not support. This is expected. Click OK.
You will land back on the workspace page.