ServiceNow Guide

ServiceNow Source

servicenow settings servicenow source

List of Attributes

ServiceNow Source

if enable: ServiceNow CMDB will be use as a sRTMS source.

CMDB data will be sent to sRTMS for Logical Vulnerability identification

ServiceNow Login

User Login uses by sRTMS to call ServiceNow API

User needs read access to CMDB tables:

  • cmdb_ci_computer
  • cmdb_sam_sw_install

Note: the "sam" role will satisfy the access mentioned above.

Mandatory: if ServiceNow source is enabled

ServiceNow Password

User Password uses by sRTMS to call ServiceNow API

Mandatory: if ServiceNow source is enabled

ServiceNow API Page Size

ServiceNow parameter "sysparam_limit".

Limit the size of the records pull by each API call.

Connect Mode

This attribute limits the data pull from ServiceNow (see Connect Data Table)*

  • Full: Use if data will be analyze outside of ServiceNow
  • Partial: when ServiceNow data are combing with 3rd party sources, those fields are required for device's deduping across sources
  • Anonym: Minimum attributes to perform Logical Vulnerability identification. No deduping are performed across sources

Connect Data

This attribute limits the scope of devices pull from ServiceNow

  • All: all devices contains in the CMDB will be pull
  • By Device Name: limit the API call by device name
  • By Device ID: limit the API call by device id
  • Last X Devices: limit the API call to the last X updated devices

Device List (ID/Name)

Type the list of device name or device id to pull.

Use comma "," as the list separator

Visible if Connect Data is equal to "By Device Name" or "By Device ID"

Last X Devices

Number of devices to pull: 10 - 10,000

Visible if Connect Data is equal to "Last X Devices"

*Connect Data Table

Table: cmdb_ci_computer

Field: sys_id Full / Partial / Anonym: y / y / y

Field: name Full / Partial / Anonym: y / y / n

Field: assigned_to Full / Partial / Anonym: y / n / n

Field: ip_address Full / Partial / Anonym: y / n / n

Field: mac_address Full / Partial / Anonym: y / n / n

Field: last_discovered Full / Partial / Anonym: y / y / y

Field: hardware_status Full / Partial / Anonym: y / y / y

Field: virtual Full / Partial / Anonym: y / y / y

Field: manufacturer Full / Partial / Anonym: y / y / y

Field: model_id Full / Partial / Anonym: y / y / y

Field: model_number Full / Partial / Anonym: y / y / y

Field: serial_number Full / Partial / Anonym: y / y / n

Field: os Full / Partial / Anonym: y / y / y

Field: os_service_pack Full / Partial / Anonym: y / y / y

Field: os_address_width Full / Partial / Anonym: y / y / y

Field: install_date Full / Partial / Anonym: y / y / y

Field: cpu_count Full / Partial / Anonym: y / y / y

Field: cpu_core_thread Full / Partial / Anonym: y / y / y

Field: cpu_core_count Full / Partial / Anonym: y / y / y

Table: cmdb_sam_sw_install

Field: sys_id Full / Partial / Anonym: y / y / y

Field: installed_on Full / Partial / Anonym: y / y / y

Field: prod_id Full / Partial / Anonym: y / y / y

Field: publisher Full / Partial / Anonym: y / y / y

Field: display_name Full / Partial / Anonym: y / y / y

Field: version Full / Partial / Anonym: y / y / y

Field: install_date Full / Partial / Anonym: y / y / y


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